clothes clothes clothes clothing clothing clothing ChildrensSale.com Georgia Georgia Georgia clothes clothes clothes |
kids kids kids kids kids kids child child child child child child child child child toys toys toys toys toys toys infant infant infant infant infant infant infant infant |
consign consign consign consign consign consign consign consign consign consign consignment consignment consignment consignment consignment consignment |
maternity maternity maternity maternity maternity maternity maternity maternity maternity maternity baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby infant infant | |||
10Who can find a virtuous
woman? for her price is far above rubies... 18She
perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.
Proverbs 31:10,18 KJV
*** Habersham County Fairgrounds Pavilion *** Children's Sale.com is a semi-annual kids' consignment sale held at the Habersham County Fairgrounds in Clarkesville, GA. Many parents have discovered a smart way of buying and selling children's toys, clothes, baby equipment and a whole lot more. There will be thousands of items, at a fraction of the cost of retail! New to consignment? Pictures of our sale are posted.
Here to subscribe to our mailing list and we will send you an e-mail
and/or postcard before each sale. HIGH
QUALITY CHILDREN'S ITEMS AT A FRACTION OF THE COST OF RETAIL* ChildrensSale.com is an exciting way to buy and sell gently worn clothing (Child sizes new born to 18, Juniors Sizes, and Junior Sized Formal), maternity clothing, baby equipment, furniture, toys, books/videos/tapes, sports equipment, dress-up, shoes, linens & bedding, pictures, children’s wall-hangings, bikes, big plastic toys, tapes/CDs, games, computer games, video games, dolls/Barbies, playhouses, riding toys, outdoor toys, play structures, kitchen sinks (well, if they're big and plastic), ballet/gymnastics/karate uniforms, recital costumes and any other kid and mom-to-be related items you can think of. Want to shop before the sale opens to the public? - Workers and Sellers get to shop the night before we open to the public! Check out Volunteer Info or Seller Info today to find out how easy it is to join in the fun! Here's how it works;To attend the Worker Presale at 2:30, 3:30, or 5:00 PM on Thursday, you can volunteer to work as a member of our team at the sale. It's easy and fun, you can help set up racks, help people drop off their items, security during the sale, work the customer check out table, or help resort items after the sale. Click the Volunteer Info button to get more information, check available shifts, and sign up. To attend the Seller Presale at 6:00 PM on Thursday, you can consign at least 25 acceptable items. Bring your items priced and ready to sell Tuesday or Wednesday before the sale. Tags, tagging instructions and tagging help are provided in the Seller Info section. Most items sell for about 1/3 of retail, but that's up to you. Pick up any unsold items on Sunday after the sale between 2:30 – 3:00 PM or instruct us to donate them to charity. A check for 70% of your proceeds will be mailed to you within 4 weeks after the sale. It's that easy! Click on Seller Info to get your seller number, drop off time, and more detailed instructions to get started today!
e-Mail us for more information. info@ChildrensSale.com |